Mosar Protisodh Bangla Cartoon reached the top of popularity in a very short time

খুব কম সময়েই জনপ্রিয়তার শীর্ষে মশার প্রতিশোধ বাংলা কাটুন

There are very few Bengali viewers who have not seen the short video of Mosar Protisodh Bangla on Facebook or YouTube. A short video of just 4.31 minutes has received millions of views on various social media platforms. Mosar Protisodh Part 1 became so popular that it is currently being uploaded as a series every month on Adnan’s Toon (Bangla) YouTube channel.

In Part 1 of the story of the cartoon, a mosquito bites an AIDS patient and dies of AIDS. As a result, the son of the mosquito touches the dead body and promises that he will avenge his father’s death. Then, when he tries to bite this AIDS patient after undergoing rigorous training, the patient kills this mosquito with his hand.

After this, Part 2 shows this mosquito getting injured by the paw of this AIDS patient. Then, he gives birth to many children to take revenge, and he and his children together kill this AIDS patient. However, after this patient died, the character of a bee appeared in this cartoon series. Then, as new episodes started coming in the series, new characters started appearing in it.

Currently, a total of 8 episodes of the Mosar Protisodh Bangla cartoon series have been available. All the episodes of this series are officially available on Adnan’s Toon (Bangla) YouTube channel.

Mosar Protisodh Bangla Cartoon Series Episode Lists

  1. মশার প্রতিশোধ EP 01: A Revenge Saga Begin
  2. মশার প্রতিশোধ EP 02: A Revenge Saga Continued
  3. মশার প্রতিশোধ Episode 03: মশা VS মৌমাছি
  4. মশার প্রতিশোধ Episode 04: Ending of The Revenge Saga
  5. মশার প্রতিশোধ Episode 05: ডেঙ্গুর আগমন
  6. মশার প্রতিশোধ Episode 06: ডেঙ্গুর কবলে মানবজাতি
  7. মশার প্রতিশোধ Episode 07: পিঁপড়াদের আগমন
  8. মশার প্রতিশোধ Episode 08: মশার সৎ ভাই

Mosar Protisodh upcoming episode 9 release date.

The upcoming 9th episode of this series is titled Ukuner Sansar. It is expected to be released on Adnan’s Toon (Bangla) YouTube channel by the end of May or the first week of June.

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